The software corrects fluorescence for autofluorescence, calculates the fluorescence per cell, and estimates the growth rate and other growth characteristics.
We recommend running ipython via a jupyter notebook or a terminal and then importing omniplate.
Loading the software
Getting help
The dataframes
Working with a subset of the data
Restricting the range of time to be analysed
Checking the data
Checking the contents of the wells
Ignoring wells
Analysing OD data: correcting for non-linearities and for the media
Analysing OD data: plotting
Analysing OD data: estimating growth rates
Speeding up and trouble shooting estimating growth rates
Finding the local maximum growth rate
Correcting autofluorescence: GFP
Correcting autofluorescence: mCherry
Checking which corrections have been performed
Estimating the time-derivative of the fluorescence
Quantifying the behaviour during mid-log growth
Saving figures
Extracting numerical values from a column
Getting a smaller dataframe for plotting directly
Exporting and importing the dataframes
Loading and processing more than one data set
Renaming conditions and strains
Averaging over experiments
Importing processed data for more than one experiment
We first import some standard packages, although these packages are only necessary if you wish to develop additional analysis.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
%matplotlib inline
import seaborn as sns
# makes figures look better in Jupyter
%run import_local # ignore this command
import omniplate as om
There are two ways of starting the software.
You can start without choosing a data set. In the following, only the working directory is specifed and the contents of that directory are displayed:
p= om.platereader(wdir= 'data')
Working directory is /Users/pswain/Dropbox/scripts/ompkg/data. Files available are: --- {0: 'ExampleData.tsv', 1: 'ExampleData.xlsx', 2: 'ExampleDataContents.xlsx', 3: 'ExampleData_r.tsv', 4: 'ExampleData_s.tsv', 5: 'ExampleData_sc.tsv', 6: 'Glu.xlsx', 7: 'GluContents.xlsx', 8: 'GluGal.xlsx', 9: 'GluGalContents.xlsx', 10: 'GluGal_r.tsv', 11: 'GluGal_s.tsv', 12: 'GluGal_sc.tsv', 13: 'Glu_r.tsv', 14: 'Glu_s.tsv', 15: 'Glu_sc.tsv', 16: 'HxtA.xlsx', 17: 'HxtAContents.xlsx', 18: 'HxtB.xlsx', 19: 'HxtBContents.xlsx', 20: 'Sunrise.xlsx', 21: 'SunriseContents.xlsx'}
A data set generated by the plate reader can then be loaded.
Two files are needed: the first file has the raw data, either produced by the plate reader - at the moment a data file from a Tecan is expected, but we are happy to add other plate readers, or you can use data already parsed into columns in a tsv or csv file; and the second file describes the contents of the wells of the plate.
p.load('ExampleData.xlsx', 'ExampleDataContents.xlsx')
Loading ExampleData.xlsx Experiment: ExampleData --- Conditions: 0.25% Mal 0.5% Mal 1% Mal 1.5% Mal 2% Mal 2% Raf 3% Mal 4% Mal Strains: Mal12:GFP Mal12:mCherry Mal12:mCherry,Gal10:GFP Null WT Data types: OD GFP AutoFL mCherry Ignored wells: None Warning: wells with no strains have been changed to "Null" to avoid confusion with pandas.
Alternatively, you can load data from a tsv or csv file, with the format
time well OD GFP AutoFL mCherry
0 0.0 A1 0.25 46.0 18.0 19.0
1 0.23 A1 0.27 45.0 17.0 17.0
etc., and where time is in hours. To do so, change the platereadertype:
p= om.platereader("ExampleData.tsv", "ExampleDataContents.xlsx",
platereadertype="tidy", wdir= "data")
Loading ExampleData.tsv Columns must be labelled 'time', 'well', 'OD', etc., and time must be in units of hours. Experiment: ExampleData --- Conditions: 0.25% Mal 0.5% Mal 1% Mal 1.5% Mal 2% Mal 2% Raf 3% Mal 4% Mal Strains: Mal12:GFP Mal12:mCherry Mal12:mCherry,Gal10:GFP Null WT Data types: Unnamed: 0 OD GFP AutoFL mCherry Ignored wells: None Warning: wells with no strains have been changed to "Null" to avoid confusion with pandas.
You can also change the datasheet for the data,
p= om.platereader("ExampleData.xlsx", "ExampleContents.xlsx", dsheetnumber= 1)
and the working directory,
To open this webpage, use
gives information on all the methods available in platereader.
For example,
gives information on a particular method.
You can use
to see the current status of the data processing;
to see a log of all previous processing steps and p.savelog() to save this log to a file;
to see all the attributes of p; and
to see the corrections that have been applied.
The data are stored in three Pandas dataframes:
You can see what columns are in these dataframes using, for example:
Use .head() to show only the beginning of the dataframe:
There is also one further dataframe that stores the contents of the wells: p.wellsdf.
Unnamed: 0 | time | well | OD | GFP | AutoFL | mCherry | experiment | condition | strain | |
0 | 0 | 0.000000 | A1 | 0.2555 | 46.0 | 18.0 | 19.0 | ExampleData | 2% Raf | Mal12:GFP |
1 | 1 | 0.232306 | A1 | 0.2725 | 45.0 | 17.0 | 17.0 | ExampleData | 2% Raf | Mal12:GFP |
2 | 2 | 0.464583 | A1 | 0.2767 | 46.0 | 19.0 | 18.0 | ExampleData | 2% Raf | Mal12:GFP |
3 | 3 | 0.696840 | A1 | 0.2870 | 45.0 | 19.0 | 20.0 | ExampleData | 2% Raf | Mal12:GFP |
4 | 4 | 0.929111 | A1 | 0.2939 | 47.0 | 20.0 | 20.0 | ExampleData | 2% Raf | Mal12:GFP |
experiment | condition | strain | time | Unnamed: 0_mean | OD_mean | GFP_mean | AutoFL_mean | mCherry_mean | Unnamed: 0_err | OD_err | GFP_err | AutoFL_err | mCherry_err | |
0 | ExampleData | 0.25% Mal | Mal12:GFP | 0.000000 | 945.0 | 0.260733 | 45.000000 | 17.333333 | 18.666667 | 840.0 | 0.012772 | 1.00000 | 0.57735 | 2.081666 |
1 | ExampleData | 0.25% Mal | Mal12:GFP | 0.232306 | 946.0 | 0.264400 | 43.666667 | 17.000000 | 17.666667 | 840.0 | 0.011888 | 0.57735 | 0.00000 | 0.577350 |
2 | ExampleData | 0.25% Mal | Mal12:GFP | 0.464583 | 947.0 | 0.268533 | 45.000000 | 19.000000 | 18.666667 | 840.0 | 0.008025 | 1.00000 | 0.00000 | 1.154701 |
3 | ExampleData | 0.25% Mal | Mal12:GFP | 0.696840 | 948.0 | 0.275833 | 44.333333 | 19.000000 | 18.666667 | 840.0 | 0.009900 | 0.57735 | 0.00000 | 1.154701 |
4 | ExampleData | 0.25% Mal | Mal12:GFP | 0.929111 | 949.0 | 0.279233 | 45.000000 | 19.333333 | 19.666667 | 840.0 | 0.009209 | 0.00000 | 0.57735 | 0.577350 |
experiment | strain | condition | OD_corrected | Unnamed: 0_corrected_for_media | OD_corrected_for_media | GFP_corrected_for_media | AutoFL_corrected_for_media | mCherry_corrected_for_media | Unnamed: 0_corrected_for_autofluorescence | GFP_corrected_for_autofluorescence | mCherry_corrected_for_autofluorescence | |
0 | ExampleData | Mal12:GFP | 0.25% Mal | False | False | False | False | False | False | False | False | False |
1 | ExampleData | Mal12:GFP | 0.5% Mal | False | False | False | False | False | False | False | False | False |
2 | ExampleData | Mal12:GFP | 1% Mal | False | False | False | False | False | False | False | False | False |
3 | ExampleData | Mal12:GFP | 1.5% Mal | False | False | False | False | False | False | False | False | False |
4 | ExampleData | Mal12:GFP | 2% Mal | False | False | False | False | False | False | False | False | False |
For almost all of platereader's methods you can work with a subset of data.
For example,
conditions = ['2% Glu', '1% Glu']
conditionincludes= 'Glu'
conditionexcludes= ['Glu', 'Gal']
You can at the same time set experiments, experimentincludes, and experimentexcludes and strains, strainincludes, and strainexcludes.
Data at the beginning or at the end of the experiment may be corrupted. You can ignore such data using, for example
p.restricttime(tmin= 2, tmax= 15)
p.restricttime(tmin= 2)
Although this command will remove data from the p.s dataframe, it will not remove data from p.r and so could potentially be reversed.
You can display the data by the wells in the plate. In this example, columns 11 and 12 contain only media and no cells.
p.plot(y= 'OD', plate= True)
p.plot(y= 'GFP', plate= True)
A dataframe is created too for the contents of the wells:
You can search the p.wellsdf dataframe for experiments, conditions, and strains and for wells:
p.showwells(strains= 'Mal12:GFP', conditions= '1% Mal')
experiment condition strain well ExampleData 1% Mal Mal12:GFP D1 ExampleData 1% Mal Mal12:GFP D2 ExampleData 1% Mal Mal12:GFP D3
p.contentsofwells(['A1', 'D1'])
A1 -- experiment condition strain ExampleData 2% Raf Mal12:GFP D1 -- experiment condition strain ExampleData 1% Mal Mal12:GFP
With showwells, you can more easily see which strains are in which conditions for each experiment by setting concise =True:
p.showwells(concise= True, strainincludes= 'GFP',
sortby= 'strain')
experiment condition strain ExampleData 2% Raf Mal12:GFP ExampleData 3% Mal Mal12:GFP ExampleData 2% Mal Mal12:GFP ExampleData 1.5% Mal Mal12:GFP ExampleData 1% Mal Mal12:GFP ExampleData 0.5% Mal Mal12:GFP ExampleData 0.25% Mal Mal12:GFP ExampleData 4% Mal Mal12:GFP ExampleData 2% Mal Mal12:mCherry,Gal10:GFP ExampleData 3% Mal Mal12:mCherry,Gal10:GFP ExampleData 4% Mal Mal12:mCherry,Gal10:GFP ExampleData 2% Raf Mal12:mCherry,Gal10:GFP ExampleData 0.5% Mal Mal12:mCherry,Gal10:GFP ExampleData 1% Mal Mal12:mCherry,Gal10:GFP ExampleData 1.5% Mal Mal12:mCherry,Gal10:GFP ExampleData 0.25% Mal Mal12:mCherry,Gal10:GFP
p.ignorewells(['B2', 'B3'])
p.plot(y= 'OD', plate= True)
You can reinstate wells, but this process will remove any corrections you have made to the raw data.
p.ignorewells(clearall= True)
p.plot(y= 'OD', plate= True)
Warning: all corrections and analysis to raw data have been lost. No wells have been ignored.
There is a signal from the media in which the cells are growing.
Use p.correctmedia() to correct for media effects.
ExampleData: Correcting OD for media in 0.25% Mal. ExampleData: Correcting OD for media in 0.5% Mal. ExampleData: Correcting OD for media in 1% Mal. ExampleData: Correcting OD for media in 1.5% Mal. ExampleData: Correcting OD for media in 2% Mal. ExampleData: Correcting OD for media in 2% Raf. ExampleData: Correcting OD for media in 3% Mal. ExampleData: Correcting OD for media in 4% Mal.
Typically, there is a well for each type of media, but you can also use one medium to correct all the strains regardless of the media that they are actually growing in:
p.correctmedia('OD', commonmedia= '2% Glu')
or to correct only a subset of wells
p.correctmedia('OD', conditionincludes= 'Glu', conditionexcludes= ['NaCl', 'HP'],
commonmedia= '2% Glu')
which uses 2% Glu to correct all wells whose condition contains the word Glu but not the words NaCl and HP.
Typically plate readers have a non-linear relationship between OD and cell number for sufficiently large ODs.
You can use your own calibration data or omniplate's default calibration data to correct for this non-linearity.
Fitting dilution data for OD correction for non-linearities. Using default data.
The function used for this correction is plotted unless figs= False. Note that the corrected values (the relative cell density) are in arbitrary units.
You can change the calibration data used:
p.correctOD(ODfname= 'ODcorrection_Raffinose_Haploid.txt')
All plotting uses Seaborn's relplot function, and you can set most of the variables that Seaborn allows.
p.plot(y= 'OD', wells= True, strainincludes= 'Gal10:GFP',
conditionincludes= '5')
If you do not plot individual wells, errors are shown by shading using the standard deviation over all relevant wells.
p.plot(y= 'OD', conditionincludes= '0.25')
p.plot(y= 'OD', strainincludes= 'Gal10:GFP',
hue= 'condition', style= 'strain')
You can also use seaborn directly:
fg= sns.relplot(x= "time", y= "OD", data= p.r, kind= "line",
hue= "condition", col= "strain", errorbar="sd")
You can estimate (specific) growth rates using all replicates for each strain in each condition using a Gaussian process-based algorithm.
If the maximum growth rate is a local maximum, it is marked with a yellow circle.
Local maxima are identified by the prominence of the local peaks. If the peak is falsely identified, you can custom how the local maxima are detected by specifying the degree of prominence with the peakprominence parameter, which has a default value of 0.05.
If you would prefer not to have local maximum growth rates shown on the plots, set plotlocalmax= False.
p.getstats(strains="Mal12:GFP", conditionincludes= "0.25")
Fitting log_OD for ExampleData: Mal12:GFP in 0.25% Mal Taking natural logarithm of the data. GP Warning: input data is not sorted. Sorting... Using a (twice differentiable) Matern covariance function. hparam[0] determines the amplitude of variation hparam[1] determines the stiffness hparam[2] determines the variance of the measurement error log(max likelihood)= 7.352026e+02 hparam[0]= 5.539094e+02 [1.000000e-05, 1.000000e+05] hparam[1]= 4.746352e+01 [1.000000e-04, 1.000000e+04] hparam[2]= 4.001934e-04 [1.000000e-05, 1.000000e+02]
Three hyperparameters are estimated during the fitting, and you can change the lower and upper bounds for these hyperparameters. The bounds are specifed in log10 space.
For example, to change the bounds on the measurement noise (parameter 2) to $10^{-2}$ and $10^{0}$ use:
p.getstats(strains="Mal12:GFP", conditionincludes= "0.25",
bd= {2: (-2,0)})
Fitting log_OD for ExampleData: Mal12:GFP in 0.25% Mal Taking natural logarithm of the data. GP Warning: input data is not sorted. Sorting... Using a (twice differentiable) Matern covariance function. hparam[0] determines the amplitude of variation hparam[1] determines the stiffness hparam[2] determines the variance of the measurement error log(max likelihood)= 4.013305e+02 hparam[0]= 1.033631e+00 [1.000000e-05, 1.000000e+05] hparam[1]= 1.311187e+01 [1.000000e-04, 1.000000e+04] hparam[2]= 1.000000e-02 [1.000000e-02, 1.000000e+00] Warning: hyperparameter 2 is at a lower bound.
You can specify the bounds on multiple parameters, such as parameters 0 and 1, using
p.getstats(strainincludes="Mal12:GFP", conditionincludes= "0.25",
bd= {0: (-2, 2), 1: (-4, -1)})
will fit all strains in all conditions.
Growth statistics are saved for the strains processed in
For example, the maximum growth rate and its error are given by:[["experiment", "condition", "strain", "max_gr", "max_gr_err"]].head()
experiment | condition | strain | max_gr | max_gr_err | |
0 | ExampleData | 0.25% Mal | Mal12:GFP | 0.193041 | 0.006055 |
1 | ExampleData | 0.5% Mal | Mal12:GFP | NaN | NaN |
2 | ExampleData | 1% Mal | Mal12:GFP | NaN | NaN |
3 | ExampleData | 1.5% Mal | Mal12:GFP | NaN | NaN |
4 | ExampleData | 2% Mal | Mal12:GFP | NaN | NaN |
We can get the growth rate for all strains too:
p.getstats(bd= {2: (-2,0)}, figs=False)
Fitting log_OD for ExampleData: Mal12:GFP in 0.25% Mal Taking natural logarithm of the data. GP Warning: input data is not sorted. Sorting... Using a (twice differentiable) Matern covariance function. hparam[0] determines the amplitude of variation hparam[1] determines the stiffness hparam[2] determines the variance of the measurement error log(max likelihood)= 4.013271e+02 hparam[0]= 1.096367e+00 [1.000000e-05, 1.000000e+05] hparam[1]= 1.321018e+01 [1.000000e-04, 1.000000e+04] hparam[2]= 1.000000e-02 [1.000000e-02, 1.000000e+00] Warning: hyperparameter 2 is at a lower bound. Fitting log_OD for ExampleData: Mal12:mCherry in 0.25% Mal Taking natural logarithm of the data. GP Warning: input data is not sorted. Sorting... Using a (twice differentiable) Matern covariance function. hparam[0] determines the amplitude of variation hparam[1] determines the stiffness hparam[2] determines the variance of the measurement error log(max likelihood)= 2.631610e+02 hparam[0]= 1.473057e+01 [1.000000e-05, 1.000000e+05] hparam[1]= 2.241809e+01 [1.000000e-04, 1.000000e+04] hparam[2]= 1.000000e-02 [1.000000e-02, 1.000000e+00] Warning: hyperparameter 2 is at a lower bound. Fitting log_OD for ExampleData: Mal12:mCherry,Gal10:GFP in 0.25% Mal Taking natural logarithm of the data. GP Warning: input data is not sorted. Sorting... Using a (twice differentiable) Matern covariance function. hparam[0] determines the amplitude of variation hparam[1] determines the stiffness hparam[2] determines the variance of the measurement error log(max likelihood)= 3.962679e+02 hparam[0]= 3.173850e+04 [1.000000e-05, 1.000000e+05] hparam[1]= 1.220296e+02 [1.000000e-04, 1.000000e+04] hparam[2]= 1.000000e-02 [1.000000e-02, 1.000000e+00] Warning: hyperparameter 2 is at a lower bound. Fitting log_OD for ExampleData: WT in 0.25% Mal Taking natural logarithm of the data. GP Warning: input data is not sorted. Sorting... Using a (twice differentiable) Matern covariance function. hparam[0] determines the amplitude of variation hparam[1] determines the stiffness hparam[2] determines the variance of the measurement error log(max likelihood)= 2.592092e+02 hparam[0]= 1.409977e+01 [1.000000e-05, 1.000000e+05] hparam[1]= 2.171745e+01 [1.000000e-04, 1.000000e+04] hparam[2]= 1.000000e-02 [1.000000e-02, 1.000000e+00] Warning: hyperparameter 2 is at a lower bound. Fitting log_OD for ExampleData: Mal12:GFP in 0.5% Mal Taking natural logarithm of the data. GP Warning: input data is not sorted. Sorting... Using a (twice differentiable) Matern covariance function. hparam[0] determines the amplitude of variation hparam[1] determines the stiffness hparam[2] determines the variance of the measurement error log(max likelihood)= 3.994562e+02 hparam[0]= 8.870165e-01 [1.000000e-05, 1.000000e+05] hparam[1]= 1.072733e+01 [1.000000e-04, 1.000000e+04] hparam[2]= 1.000000e-02 [1.000000e-02, 1.000000e+00] Warning: hyperparameter 2 is at a lower bound. Fitting log_OD for ExampleData: Mal12:mCherry in 0.5% Mal Taking natural logarithm of the data. GP Warning: input data is not sorted. Sorting... Using a (twice differentiable) Matern covariance function. hparam[0] determines the amplitude of variation hparam[1] determines the stiffness hparam[2] determines the variance of the measurement error log(max likelihood)= 2.633272e+02 hparam[0]= 7.085256e-01 [1.000000e-05, 1.000000e+05] hparam[1]= 1.137790e+01 [1.000000e-04, 1.000000e+04] hparam[2]= 1.000000e-02 [1.000000e-02, 1.000000e+00] Warning: hyperparameter 2 is at a lower bound. Fitting log_OD for ExampleData: Mal12:mCherry,Gal10:GFP in 0.5% Mal Taking natural logarithm of the data. GP Warning: input data is not sorted. Sorting... Using a (twice differentiable) Matern covariance function. hparam[0] determines the amplitude of variation hparam[1] determines the stiffness hparam[2] determines the variance of the measurement error log(max likelihood)= 4.001977e+02 hparam[0]= 2.864966e+02 [1.000000e-05, 1.000000e+05] hparam[1]= 4.376949e+01 [1.000000e-04, 1.000000e+04] hparam[2]= 1.000000e-02 [1.000000e-02, 1.000000e+00] Warning: hyperparameter 2 is at a lower bound. Fitting log_OD for ExampleData: WT in 0.5% Mal Taking natural logarithm of the data. GP Warning: input data is not sorted. Sorting... Using a (twice differentiable) Matern covariance function. hparam[0] determines the amplitude of variation hparam[1] determines the stiffness hparam[2] determines the variance of the measurement error log(max likelihood)= 2.607085e+02 hparam[0]= 5.117231e+00 [1.000000e-05, 1.000000e+05] hparam[1]= 1.842995e+01 [1.000000e-04, 1.000000e+04] hparam[2]= 1.000000e-02 [1.000000e-02, 1.000000e+00] Warning: hyperparameter 2 is at a lower bound. Fitting log_OD for ExampleData: Mal12:GFP in 1% Mal Taking natural logarithm of the data. GP Warning: input data is not sorted. Sorting... Using a (twice differentiable) Matern covariance function. hparam[0] determines the amplitude of variation hparam[1] determines the stiffness hparam[2] determines the variance of the measurement error log(max likelihood)= 4.013800e+02 hparam[0]= 9.535585e-01 [1.000000e-05, 1.000000e+05] hparam[1]= 9.802573e+00 [1.000000e-04, 1.000000e+04] hparam[2]= 1.000000e-02 [1.000000e-02, 1.000000e+00] Warning: hyperparameter 2 is at a lower bound. Fitting log_OD for ExampleData: Mal12:mCherry in 1% Mal Taking natural logarithm of the data. GP Warning: input data is not sorted. Sorting... Using a (twice differentiable) Matern covariance function. hparam[0] determines the amplitude of variation hparam[1] determines the stiffness hparam[2] determines the variance of the measurement error log(max likelihood)= 2.633676e+02 hparam[0]= 2.469157e+00 [1.000000e-05, 1.000000e+05] hparam[1]= 1.479137e+01 [1.000000e-04, 1.000000e+04] hparam[2]= 1.000000e-02 [1.000000e-02, 1.000000e+00] Warning: hyperparameter 2 is at a lower bound. Fitting log_OD for ExampleData: Mal12:mCherry,Gal10:GFP in 1% Mal Taking natural logarithm of the data. GP Warning: input data is not sorted. Sorting... Using a (twice differentiable) Matern covariance function. hparam[0] determines the amplitude of variation hparam[1] determines the stiffness hparam[2] determines the variance of the measurement error log(max likelihood)= 4.062888e+02 hparam[0]= 1.146346e+00 [1.000000e-05, 1.000000e+05] hparam[1]= 1.250512e+01 [1.000000e-04, 1.000000e+04] hparam[2]= 1.000000e-02 [1.000000e-02, 1.000000e+00] Warning: hyperparameter 2 is at a lower bound. Fitting log_OD for ExampleData: WT in 1% Mal Taking natural logarithm of the data. GP Warning: input data is not sorted. Sorting... Using a (twice differentiable) Matern covariance function. hparam[0] determines the amplitude of variation hparam[1] determines the stiffness hparam[2] determines the variance of the measurement error log(max likelihood)= 2.626936e+02 hparam[0]= 6.598670e+00 [1.000000e-05, 1.000000e+05] hparam[1]= 2.140143e+01 [1.000000e-04, 1.000000e+04] hparam[2]= 1.000000e-02 [1.000000e-02, 1.000000e+00] Warning: hyperparameter 2 is at a lower bound. Fitting log_OD for ExampleData: Mal12:GFP in 1.5% Mal Taking natural logarithm of the data. GP Warning: input data is not sorted. Sorting... Using a (twice differentiable) Matern covariance function. hparam[0] determines the amplitude of variation hparam[1] determines the stiffness hparam[2] determines the variance of the measurement error log(max likelihood)= 4.022905e+02 hparam[0]= 3.998852e+00 [1.000000e-05, 1.000000e+05] hparam[1]= 1.651418e+01 [1.000000e-04, 1.000000e+04] hparam[2]= 1.000000e-02 [1.000000e-02, 1.000000e+00] Warning: hyperparameter 2 is at a lower bound. Fitting log_OD for ExampleData: Mal12:mCherry in 1.5% Mal Taking natural logarithm of the data. GP Warning: input data is not sorted. Sorting... Using a (twice differentiable) Matern covariance function. hparam[0] determines the amplitude of variation hparam[1] determines the stiffness hparam[2] determines the variance of the measurement error log(max likelihood)= 2.592242e+02 hparam[0]= 1.996183e+00 [1.000000e-05, 1.000000e+05] hparam[1]= 1.605456e+01 [1.000000e-04, 1.000000e+04] hparam[2]= 1.000000e-02 [1.000000e-02, 1.000000e+00] Warning: hyperparameter 2 is at a lower bound. Fitting log_OD for ExampleData: Mal12:mCherry,Gal10:GFP in 1.5% Mal Taking natural logarithm of the data. GP Warning: input data is not sorted. Sorting... Using a (twice differentiable) Matern covariance function. hparam[0] determines the amplitude of variation hparam[1] determines the stiffness hparam[2] determines the variance of the measurement error log(max likelihood)= 4.065042e+02 hparam[0]= 1.350210e+00 [1.000000e-05, 1.000000e+05] hparam[1]= 1.477886e+01 [1.000000e-04, 1.000000e+04] hparam[2]= 1.000000e-02 [1.000000e-02, 1.000000e+00] Warning: hyperparameter 2 is at a lower bound. Fitting log_OD for ExampleData: WT in 1.5% Mal Taking natural logarithm of the data. GP Warning: input data is not sorted. Sorting... Using a (twice differentiable) Matern covariance function. hparam[0] determines the amplitude of variation hparam[1] determines the stiffness hparam[2] determines the variance of the measurement error log(max likelihood)= 2.624978e+02 hparam[0]= 6.738966e+00 [1.000000e-05, 1.000000e+05] hparam[1]= 2.175107e+01 [1.000000e-04, 1.000000e+04] hparam[2]= 1.000000e-02 [1.000000e-02, 1.000000e+00] Warning: hyperparameter 2 is at a lower bound. Fitting log_OD for ExampleData: Mal12:GFP in 2% Mal Taking natural logarithm of the data. GP Warning: input data is not sorted. Sorting... Using a (twice differentiable) Matern covariance function. hparam[0] determines the amplitude of variation hparam[1] determines the stiffness hparam[2] determines the variance of the measurement error log(max likelihood)= 3.926601e+02 hparam[0]= 3.492261e+03 [1.000000e-05, 1.000000e+05] hparam[1]= 8.173146e+01 [1.000000e-04, 1.000000e+04] hparam[2]= 1.000000e-02 [1.000000e-02, 1.000000e+00] Warning: hyperparameter 2 is at a lower bound. Fitting log_OD for ExampleData: Mal12:mCherry in 2% Mal Taking natural logarithm of the data. GP Warning: input data is not sorted. Sorting... Using a (twice differentiable) Matern covariance function. hparam[0] determines the amplitude of variation hparam[1] determines the stiffness hparam[2] determines the variance of the measurement error log(max likelihood)= 2.651517e+02 hparam[0]= 2.020937e+00 [1.000000e-05, 1.000000e+05] hparam[1]= 1.667629e+01 [1.000000e-04, 1.000000e+04] hparam[2]= 1.000000e-02 [1.000000e-02, 1.000000e+00] Warning: hyperparameter 2 is at a lower bound. Fitting log_OD for ExampleData: Mal12:mCherry,Gal10:GFP in 2% Mal Taking natural logarithm of the data. GP Warning: input data is not sorted. Sorting... Using a (twice differentiable) Matern covariance function. hparam[0] determines the amplitude of variation hparam[1] determines the stiffness hparam[2] determines the variance of the measurement error log(max likelihood)= 4.058202e+02 hparam[0]= 1.066708e+00 [1.000000e-05, 1.000000e+05] hparam[1]= 1.421462e+01 [1.000000e-04, 1.000000e+04] hparam[2]= 1.000000e-02 [1.000000e-02, 1.000000e+00] Warning: hyperparameter 2 is at a lower bound. Fitting log_OD for ExampleData: WT in 2% Mal Taking natural logarithm of the data. GP Warning: input data is not sorted. Sorting... Using a (twice differentiable) Matern covariance function. hparam[0] determines the amplitude of variation hparam[1] determines the stiffness hparam[2] determines the variance of the measurement error log(max likelihood)= 2.631537e+02 hparam[0]= 3.807227e+00 [1.000000e-05, 1.000000e+05] hparam[1]= 2.094081e+01 [1.000000e-04, 1.000000e+04] hparam[2]= 1.000000e-02 [1.000000e-02, 1.000000e+00] Warning: hyperparameter 2 is at a lower bound. Fitting log_OD for ExampleData: Mal12:GFP in 2% Raf Taking natural logarithm of the data. GP Warning: input data is not sorted. Sorting... Using a (twice differentiable) Matern covariance function. hparam[0] determines the amplitude of variation hparam[1] determines the stiffness hparam[2] determines the variance of the measurement error log(max likelihood)= 4.004294e+02 hparam[0]= 3.600991e+00 [1.000000e-05, 1.000000e+05] hparam[1]= 2.373880e+01 [1.000000e-04, 1.000000e+04] hparam[2]= 1.000000e-02 [1.000000e-02, 1.000000e+00] Warning: hyperparameter 2 is at a lower bound. Fitting log_OD for ExampleData: Mal12:mCherry in 2% Raf Taking natural logarithm of the data. GP Warning: input data is not sorted. Sorting... Using a (twice differentiable) Matern covariance function. hparam[0] determines the amplitude of variation hparam[1] determines the stiffness hparam[2] determines the variance of the measurement error log(max likelihood)= 2.629441e+02 hparam[0]= 9.017364e+02 [1.000000e-05, 1.000000e+05] hparam[1]= 9.996412e+01 [1.000000e-04, 1.000000e+04] hparam[2]= 1.000000e-02 [1.000000e-02, 1.000000e+00] Warning: hyperparameter 2 is at a lower bound. Fitting log_OD for ExampleData: Mal12:mCherry,Gal10:GFP in 2% Raf Taking natural logarithm of the data. GP Warning: input data is not sorted. Sorting... Using a (twice differentiable) Matern covariance function. hparam[0] determines the amplitude of variation hparam[1] determines the stiffness hparam[2] determines the variance of the measurement error log(max likelihood)= 4.066874e+02 hparam[0]= 4.265188e+02 [1.000000e-05, 1.000000e+05] hparam[1]= 9.029565e+01 [1.000000e-04, 1.000000e+04] hparam[2]= 1.000000e-02 [1.000000e-02, 1.000000e+00] Warning: hyperparameter 2 is at a lower bound. Fitting log_OD for ExampleData: WT in 2% Raf Taking natural logarithm of the data. GP Warning: input data is not sorted. Sorting... Using a (twice differentiable) Matern covariance function. hparam[0] determines the amplitude of variation hparam[1] determines the stiffness hparam[2] determines the variance of the measurement error log(max likelihood)= 2.645926e+02 hparam[0]= 1.436593e+01 [1.000000e-05, 1.000000e+05] hparam[1]= 3.090361e+01 [1.000000e-04, 1.000000e+04] hparam[2]= 1.000000e-02 [1.000000e-02, 1.000000e+00] Warning: hyperparameter 2 is at a lower bound. Fitting log_OD for ExampleData: Mal12:GFP in 3% Mal Taking natural logarithm of the data. GP Warning: input data is not sorted. Sorting... Using a (twice differentiable) Matern covariance function. hparam[0] determines the amplitude of variation hparam[1] determines the stiffness hparam[2] determines the variance of the measurement error log(max likelihood)= 4.050808e+02 hparam[0]= 9.597429e+00 [1.000000e-05, 1.000000e+05] hparam[1]= 2.459292e+01 [1.000000e-04, 1.000000e+04] hparam[2]= 1.000000e-02 [1.000000e-02, 1.000000e+00] Warning: hyperparameter 2 is at a lower bound. Fitting log_OD for ExampleData: Mal12:mCherry in 3% Mal Taking natural logarithm of the data. GP Warning: input data is not sorted. Sorting... Using a (twice differentiable) Matern covariance function. hparam[0] determines the amplitude of variation hparam[1] determines the stiffness hparam[2] determines the variance of the measurement error log(max likelihood)= 2.662962e+02 hparam[0]= 3.697249e+00 [1.000000e-05, 1.000000e+05] hparam[1]= 2.233224e+01 [1.000000e-04, 1.000000e+04] hparam[2]= 1.000000e-02 [1.000000e-02, 1.000000e+00] Warning: hyperparameter 2 is at a lower bound. Fitting log_OD for ExampleData: Mal12:mCherry,Gal10:GFP in 3% Mal Taking natural logarithm of the data. GP Warning: input data is not sorted. Sorting... Using a (twice differentiable) Matern covariance function. hparam[0] determines the amplitude of variation hparam[1] determines the stiffness hparam[2] determines the variance of the measurement error log(max likelihood)= 4.083727e+02 hparam[0]= 2.928347e+00 [1.000000e-05, 1.000000e+05] hparam[1]= 2.047192e+01 [1.000000e-04, 1.000000e+04] hparam[2]= 1.000000e-02 [1.000000e-02, 1.000000e+00] Warning: hyperparameter 2 is at a lower bound. Fitting log_OD for ExampleData: WT in 3% Mal Taking natural logarithm of the data. GP Warning: input data is not sorted. Sorting... Using a (twice differentiable) Matern covariance function. hparam[0] determines the amplitude of variation hparam[1] determines the stiffness hparam[2] determines the variance of the measurement error log(max likelihood)= 2.637569e+02 hparam[0]= 1.174970e+01 [1.000000e-05, 1.000000e+05] hparam[1]= 2.972114e+01 [1.000000e-04, 1.000000e+04] hparam[2]= 1.000000e-02 [1.000000e-02, 1.000000e+00] Warning: hyperparameter 2 is at a lower bound. Fitting log_OD for ExampleData: Mal12:GFP in 4% Mal Taking natural logarithm of the data. GP Warning: input data is not sorted. Sorting... Using a (twice differentiable) Matern covariance function. hparam[0] determines the amplitude of variation hparam[1] determines the stiffness hparam[2] determines the variance of the measurement error log(max likelihood)= 4.050363e+02 hparam[0]= 3.071393e+00 [1.000000e-05, 1.000000e+05] hparam[1]= 1.944139e+01 [1.000000e-04, 1.000000e+04] hparam[2]= 1.000000e-02 [1.000000e-02, 1.000000e+00] Warning: hyperparameter 2 is at a lower bound. Fitting log_OD for ExampleData: Mal12:mCherry in 4% Mal Taking natural logarithm of the data. GP Warning: input data is not sorted. Sorting... Using a (twice differentiable) Matern covariance function. hparam[0] determines the amplitude of variation hparam[1] determines the stiffness hparam[2] determines the variance of the measurement error log(max likelihood)= 2.665344e+02 hparam[0]= 4.265246e+00 [1.000000e-05, 1.000000e+05] hparam[1]= 2.393259e+01 [1.000000e-04, 1.000000e+04] hparam[2]= 1.000000e-02 [1.000000e-02, 1.000000e+00] Warning: hyperparameter 2 is at a lower bound. Fitting log_OD for ExampleData: Mal12:mCherry,Gal10:GFP in 4% Mal Taking natural logarithm of the data. GP Warning: input data is not sorted. Sorting... Using a (twice differentiable) Matern covariance function. hparam[0] determines the amplitude of variation hparam[1] determines the stiffness hparam[2] determines the variance of the measurement error log(max likelihood)= 4.019600e+02 hparam[0]= 7.030613e+03 [1.000000e-05, 1.000000e+05] hparam[1]= 1.456838e+02 [1.000000e-04, 1.000000e+04] hparam[2]= 1.000000e-02 [1.000000e-02, 1.000000e+00] Warning: hyperparameter 2 is at a lower bound. Fitting log_OD for ExampleData: WT in 4% Mal Taking natural logarithm of the data. GP Warning: input data is not sorted. Sorting... Using a (twice differentiable) Matern covariance function. hparam[0] determines the amplitude of variation hparam[1] determines the stiffness hparam[2] determines the variance of the measurement error log(max likelihood)= 2.530088e+02 hparam[0]= 1.399786e+04 [1.000000e-05, 1.000000e+05] hparam[1]= 1.257120e+02 [1.000000e-04, 1.000000e+04] hparam[2]= 1.000000e-02 [1.000000e-02, 1.000000e+00] Warning: hyperparameter 2 is at a lower bound.
p.plot(y= "gr", strains="Mal12:GFP", conditionincludes= "1",
hue= "condition", style="strain")
The optimisation routine that fits the hyperparameters of the Gaussian process to OD data can be customised by changing options to getstats.
As well as changing the bounds on the hyperparameters with bd, useful options are:
You can see the quality of the fit using[['experiment', 'condition', 'strain', 'OD logmaxlike']]
where larger logmaxlike is better.
The bounds on hyperparameter 2 is a measure of how noisy you think your measurements are. Occasionally with the default bounds, we find that the growth rate fluctuates in small waves over time or has two peaks separated by a shallow trough. This behaviour is often because the software is fitting the noise in the data. Changing the bounds on hyperparameter 2, particularly increasing the lower bound so that the minimal level of noise is higher, usually stops these fluctuations so that the growth rate varies smoothly.
Scipy's find_peaks is used to find the local maximum growth rate, which is useful if the highest growth rate is at t= 0.
You can specify properties that a peak must satisfy to be considered a maximum using the options of find_peaks.
First, try
p.getstats(showpeakproperties= True, width= 0,
prominence= 0)
which will display the width and prominence of the local peaks to get an idea of the values to set. These values are given in the number of x and y points and not in real units.
Once you have a minimum value of one of these parameters that a true local maximum should satisfy then use, for example,
p.getstats(width= 15)
so that all local maxima will have a width of at least 15 x units.
Note that these arguments for find_peaks must go at the end of your call to getstats.
GFP is usually corrected for autofluorescence using the method of Lichten et al., which requires measurement of fluorescence of a reference strain both at the GFP wavelength and at a higher wavelength (called AutoFL).
First, we should correct fluorescence measurements for the fluorescence of the media.
p.correctmedia(["GFP", "AutoFL"])
ExampleData: Correcting GFP for media in 0.25% Mal. ExampleData: Correcting GFP for media in 0.5% Mal. ExampleData: Correcting GFP for media in 1% Mal. ExampleData: Correcting GFP for media in 1.5% Mal. ExampleData: Correcting GFP for media in 2% Mal. ExampleData: Correcting GFP for media in 2% Raf. ExampleData: Correcting GFP for media in 3% Mal. ExampleData: Correcting GFP for media in 4% Mal. ExampleData: Correcting AutoFL for media in 0.25% Mal. ExampleData: Correcting AutoFL for media in 0.5% Mal. ExampleData: Correcting AutoFL for media in 1% Mal. ExampleData: Correcting AutoFL for media in 1.5% Mal. ExampleData: Correcting AutoFL for media in 2% Mal. ExampleData: Correcting AutoFL for media in 2% Raf. ExampleData: Correcting AutoFL for media in 3% Mal. ExampleData: Correcting AutoFL for media in 4% Mal.
Note that correctmedia can give negative values because of measurement errors. These negative values will be ignored by correctauto when called with two fluorescence measurements.
Alternatively, not correcting for media and running correctauto with only one fluorescence value (which automatically corrects for media) is another choice.
Second, we can run correctauto to correct for autofluorescence.
By setting useGPs to True or False, you can specify whether you would like to use Gaussian processes to estimate errors in the corrected fluorescence, which is the default method, or whether you would prefer to use the standard deviation over replicate wells, which will be faster but requires sufficent wells.
p.correctauto(["GFP", "AutoFL"], strains="Mal12:GFP", conditionincludes="1",
refstrain= "WT", figs=False)
Using WT as the reference. Using two fluorescence wavelengths. Correcting autofluorescence using GFP and AutoFL. ExampleData: Processing reference strain WT for GFP in 1% Mal. Fitting log_GFP for ExampleData: Mal12:GFP in 1% Mal Taking natural logarithm of the data. GP Warning: input data is not sorted. Sorting... Using a (twice differentiable) Matern covariance function. hparam[0] determines the amplitude of variation hparam[1] determines the stiffness hparam[2] determines the variance of the measurement error Warning: optimisation of hyperparameters failed at run 1. Warning: optimisation of hyperparameters failed at run 2. Warning: optimisation of hyperparameters failed at run 3. Warning: optimisation of hyperparameters failed at run 4. Warning: optimisation of hyperparameters failed at run 5. log(max likelihood)= 3.046955e+02 hparam[0]= 3.263413e+01 [1.000000e-05, 1.000000e+05] hparam[1]= 5.397113e+00 [1.000000e-04, 1.000000e+04] hparam[2]= 4.537550e-03 [1.000000e-05, 1.000000e+02] ExampleData: Processing reference strain WT for GFP in 1.5% Mal. Fitting log_GFP for ExampleData: Mal12:GFP in 1.5% Mal Taking natural logarithm of the data. GP Warning: input data is not sorted. Sorting... Using a (twice differentiable) Matern covariance function. hparam[0] determines the amplitude of variation hparam[1] determines the stiffness hparam[2] determines the variance of the measurement error Warning: optimisation of hyperparameters failed at run 1. Warning: optimisation of hyperparameters failed at run 2. Warning: optimisation of hyperparameters failed at run 3. Warning: optimisation of hyperparameters failed at run 4. log(max likelihood)= 2.864686e+02 hparam[0]= 2.692870e+01 [1.000000e-05, 1.000000e+05] hparam[1]= 5.467345e+00 [1.000000e-04, 1.000000e+04] hparam[2]= 5.350065e-03 [1.000000e-05, 1.000000e+02]
The results are stored in the p.s dataframe and can be plot by specifying c-GFPperODd. The corrected fluorescence for the wild-type strain, which should be zero, gives an indication of the size of the errors.
p.plot(y= "c-GFPperOD", strains="Mal12:GFP", conditionincludes="1",
hue= "condition", style="strain")
mCherry is corrected for autofluorescence by using the fluorescence of a reference strain at the same OD as the strain of interest.
The code for correcting autofluorescence in this case also accounts for the fluorescence of the media, and the results should be the same whether or not the media is corrected.
You can again specify whether or not omniplate should use Gaussian processes.
p.correctauto("mCherry", conditionincludes= ["1"], strainincludes= "mCherry",
refstrain= "WT", useGPs=False)
Using WT as the reference. Using one fluorescence wavelength. Correcting autofluorescence using mCherry. ExampleData: Processing reference strain WT for mCherry in 1% Mal.
ExampleData: Processing reference strain WT for mCherry in 1.5% Mal.
p.plot(y= "c-mCherryperOD", conditionincludes=["1"], strainincludes= "mCherry",
hue= "strain", style= "condition", nonull= True)
You can find which corrections have been performed for a strain in a condition in an experiment (or for all strains in all conditions in all experiments):
p.corrections(conditionincludes= '1%', strainincludes= 'mCherry')
10 | 18 | |
experiment | ExampleData | ExampleData |
strain | Mal12:mCherry | Mal12:mCherry,Gal10:GFP |
condition | 1% Mal | 1% Mal |
OD_corrected | True | True |
Unnamed: 0_corrected_for_media | False | False |
OD_corrected_for_media | True | True |
GFP_corrected_for_media | True | True |
AutoFL_corrected_for_media | True | True |
mCherry_corrected_for_media | False | False |
Unnamed: 0_corrected_for_autofluorescence | False | False |
GFP_corrected_for_autofluorescence | False | False |
mCherry_corrected_for_autofluorescence | True | True |
You can also estimate the derivative of, for example, the fluorescence per cell. Here logs= False because we want the derivative of the fluorescence and not the derivative of the logarithm of the fluorescence:
p.getstats('c-mCherryperOD', conditions= ['1% Mal'],
strains= ['Mal12:mCherry'], logs= False,
noruns= 5, exitearly= False)
Fitting c-mCherryperOD for ExampleData: Mal12:mCherry in 1% Mal GP Warning: input data is not sorted. Sorting... Using a (twice differentiable) Matern covariance function. hparam[0] determines the amplitude of variation hparam[1] determines the stiffness hparam[2] determines the variance of the measurement error log(max likelihood)= -9.895582e+02 hparam[0]= 3.696450e+03 [1.000000e-05, 1.000000e+05] hparam[1]= 1.064858e+01 [1.000000e-04, 1.000000e+04] hparam[2]= 2.647310e+01 [1.000000e-05, 1.000000e+02]
The results are stored in the p.s and dataframes:
p.s.query('condition == "1% Mal" and strain == "Mal12:mCherry"')[['time',
time | d/dt_c-mCherryperOD | |
1155 | 0.000000 | 5.212760 |
1156 | 0.232306 | 5.407086 |
1157 | 0.464583 | 5.595943 |
1158 | 0.696840 | 5.760226 |
1159 | 0.929111 | 5.895222 |
Using nunchaku (Huo & Swain), omniplate will automatically identify the segment of the time series where growth is exponential and calculate statistics of all variables in the s dataframe in this mid-log segment.
Black squares mark the segment of growth identified as mid-log.
p.getmidlog(conditions="1% Mal")
Finding mid-log growth for ExampleData : Mal12:GFP in 1% Mal
WARNING:root:Nunchaku: the best number of segments equals the largest candidate.
Finding mid-log growth for ExampleData : Mal12:mCherry in 1% Mal
getting evidence matrix: 0%| | 0/103 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
getting model evidence: 0%| | 0/4 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
WARNING:root:Nunchaku: the best number of segments equals the largest candidate.
getting internal boundaries: 0%| | 0/3 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Finding mid-log growth for ExampleData : Mal12:mCherry,Gal10:GFP in 1% Mal
WARNING:root:Nunchaku: the best number of segments equals the largest candidate.
Finding mid-log growth for ExampleData : WT in 1% Mal
getting evidence matrix: 0%| | 0/103 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
getting model evidence: 0%| | 0/4 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
WARNING:root:Nunchaku: the best number of segments equals the largest candidate.
getting internal boundaries: 0%| | 0/3 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
All mid-log statistics are stored in the sc dataframe.["1% Mal"][["strain", "condition"] + [col for col in if "midlog" in col]]
strain | condition | mean_midlog_time | mean_midlog_Unnamed: 0_mean | mean_midlog_OD_mean | mean_midlog_GFP_mean | mean_midlog_AutoFL_mean | mean_midlog_mCherry_mean | mean_midlog_Unnamed: 0_err | mean_midlog_OD_err | ... | max_midlog_c-mCherry | max_midlog_c-mCherry_err | max_midlog_c-mCherryperOD | max_midlog_c-mCherryperOD_err | max_midlog_smoothed_c-mCherryperOD | max_midlog_smoothed_c-mCherryperOD_err | max_midlog_d/dt_c-mCherryperOD | max_midlog_d/dt_c-mCherryperOD_err | max_midlog_d/dt_d/dt_c-mCherryperOD | max_midlog_d/dt_d/dt_c-mCherryperOD_err | |
2 | Mal12:GFP | 1% Mal | 3.948622 | 1172.000000 | 0.468057 | 177.024832 | 19.729921 | 16.789474 | 840.000000 | 0.009736 | ... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
10 | Mal12:mCherry | 1% Mal | 4.064756 | 3272.500000 | 0.449530 | 18.764979 | 8.603785 | 42.900000 | 593.969696 | 0.005064 | ... | 42.396682 | 3.996731 | 64.302352 | 8.813568 | 58.268406 | 5.234895 | 6.137184 | 0.850426 | 2.393542 | 1.553519 |
18 | Mal12:mCherry,Gal10:GFP | 1% Mal | 4.180891 | 5373.000000 | 0.446530 | 13.944644 | 6.584433 | 41.736842 | 840.000000 | 0.001900 | ... | 36.820418 | 5.714479 | 61.438330 | 10.961472 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
26 | Null | 1% Mal | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | ... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
34 | WT | 1% Mal | 4.916409 | 7476.166667 | 0.141013 | 13.257507 | 5.066549 | 17.750000 | 593.969696 | 0.001544 | ... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
5 rows × 126 columns
You can display the results with plot.
p.plot(x="mean_midlog_GFP_mean", y="strain")
You can at any time save all figures that are currently displayed (but not those displayed inline in Jupyter):
which saves each figure as a separate page in a single PDF file.
It may be useful to extract the numerical values given in, for example, the name of an experiment or condition. Calling
p.addnumericcolumn('new column name', 'original column')
extracts any numbers from each entry in the original column, makes a new column in all the dataframes called 'new column name', and places these numbers in the appropriate entry in this new column.
For example:
p.addnumericcolumn('concentration', 'condition')[['condition', 'strain', 'concentration']].head()
condition | strain | concentration | |
0 | 0.25% Mal | Mal12:GFP | 0.25 |
1 | 0.5% Mal | Mal12:GFP | 0.50 |
2 | 1% Mal | Mal12:GFP | 1.00 |
3 | 1.5% Mal | Mal12:GFP | 1.50 |
4 | 2% Mal | Mal12:GFP | 2.00 |
It is also possible to specify which number in the column entry you would like using picknumber and you can find numbers next to a substring of interest using leftsplitstring and rightsplitstring.
You can get a subset of the data as a dataframe, from either the r (the raw time-series), s (the processed time-series), or sc (the summary statistics) dataframes, using, for example:
subdf= p.getdataframe('s', conditionincludes= 'Raf', strainincludes= 'Gal')
experiment | condition | strain | time | Unnamed: 0_mean | OD_mean | GFP_mean | AutoFL_mean | mCherry_mean | Unnamed: 0_err | ... | c-mCherry_err | c-mCherryperOD | c-mCherryperOD_err | smoothed_c-mCherryperOD | smoothed_c-mCherryperOD_err | d/dt_c-mCherryperOD | d/dt_c-mCherryperOD_err | d/dt_d/dt_c-mCherryperOD | d/dt_d/dt_c-mCherryperOD_err | concentration | |
2835 | ExampleData | 2% Raf | Mal12:mCherry,Gal10:GFP | 0.000000 | 5040.0 | 0.176736 | 6.561484 | 2.288807 | 25.333333 | 840.0 | ... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 2.0 |
2836 | ExampleData | 2% Raf | Mal12:mCherry,Gal10:GFP | 0.232306 | 5041.0 | 0.183252 | 5.219432 | 2.265758 | 24.666667 | 840.0 | ... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 2.0 |
2837 | ExampleData | 2% Raf | Mal12:mCherry,Gal10:GFP | 0.464583 | 5042.0 | 0.195068 | 7.876621 | 3.576935 | 24.000000 | 840.0 | ... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 2.0 |
2838 | ExampleData | 2% Raf | Mal12:mCherry,Gal10:GFP | 0.696840 | 5043.0 | 0.204218 | 6.532866 | 2.888802 | 24.333333 | 840.0 | ... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 2.0 |
2839 | ExampleData | 2% Raf | Mal12:mCherry,Gal10:GFP | 0.929111 | 5044.0 | 0.211668 | 8.188081 | 3.201234 | 26.333333 | 840.0 | ... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 2.0 |
5 rows × 35 columns
The three dataframes
can all be saved as tsv (or json or csv) files. A logfile of the commands that you've used will also be saved.
Exported successfully.
The files can be imported similarly:
q= om.platereader(wdir= 'data', ls= False)
Imported data/ExampleData_r.tsv Imported data/ExampleData_s.tsv Imported data/ExampleData_sc.tsv Experiment: ExampleData --- Conditions: 0.25% Mal 0.5% Mal 1% Mal 1.5% Mal 2% Mal 2% Raf 3% Mal 4% Mal Strains: Mal12:GFP Mal12:mCherry Mal12:mCherry,Gal10:GFP Null WT Data types: Unnamed: 0 OD GFP AutoFL mCherry Ignored wells: None
Here is a more complex example where we wish to plot the fluorescence at the time when the growth rate is maximum.
We first create a new field, GFP mean at max growth rate, in the dataframe
s= 'Mal12:GFP'
# store results as an array of dictionaries to eventually convert into a dataframe
results= []
for e in p.allexperiments:
for c in p.allconditions[e]:
# find the time of maximum growth rate for the condition
tm='experiment == @e and condition == @c and strain == @s')['time_of_max_gr'].values[0]
# take the relevant sub-dataframe for the condition
df= p.s.query('experiment == @e and condition == @c and strain == @s')
# find GFP mean at time tm
i= np.argmin(np.abs(df['time'].values - tm))
results.append({'GFP_mean_at_max_gr' : df['GFP_mean'][df.index[i]],
'experiment' : e, 'condition' : c, 'strain' : s})
# convert to dataframe
rdf= pd.DataFrame(results)
# add to existing dataframe by experiment, condition, and strain pd.merge(, rdf, how= 'outer')
# check results[['experiment', 'condition', 'strain', 'local_max_gr', 'GFP_mean_at_max_gr']].head()
experiment | condition | strain | local_max_gr | GFP_mean_at_max_gr | |
0 | ExampleData | 0.25% Mal | Mal12:GFP | 0.194106 | 64.626427 |
1 | ExampleData | 0.5% Mal | Mal12:GFP | 0.270241 | 103.901319 |
2 | ExampleData | 1% Mal | Mal12:GFP | 0.316688 | 151.594702 |
3 | ExampleData | 1.5% Mal | Mal12:GFP | 0.306435 | 178.638601 |
4 | ExampleData | 2% Mal | Mal12:GFP | 0.291507 | 182.950773 |
# plot results
p.plot(x= 'max_gr', y= 'GFP_mean_at_max_gr', hue= 'condition',
style= 'experiment', conditionincludes= 'Mal')
It is also possible to load more than one data set and simultaneously process the data.
p= om.platereader(['HxtA.xlsx', 'HxtB.xlsx'], ['HxtAContents.xlsx', 'HxtBContents.xlsx'], wdir= 'data')
Loading HxtA.xlsx Loading HxtB.xlsx Experiment: HxtA --- Conditions: 0.05% Gal 1% Gal 2% Gal 2% Glu Strains: BY4741 Hxt1:GFP Hxt2:GFP Hxt3:GFP Hxt4:GFP Null Data types: OD GFP_80Gain AutoFL_80Gain GFP_65Gain AutoFL_65Gain Ignored wells: None Experiment: HxtB --- Conditions: 0.05% Gal 1% Gal 2% Gal 2% Glu Strains: BY4741 Hxt5:GFP Hxt6:GFP Hxt7:GFP-L Hxt7:GFP-N Null Data types: OD GFP_80Gain AutoFL_80Gain GFP_65Gain AutoFL_65Gain Ignored wells: None Warning: wells with no strains have been changed to "Null" to avoid confusion with pandas.
By default, correctOD corrects all experiments for OD, but you can specify the experiment variable to specialise:
p.correctOD(figs= False)
Fitting dilution data for OD correction for non-linearities. Using default data. HxtA: Correcting OD for media in 0.05% Gal. HxtA: Correcting OD for media in 1% Gal. HxtA: Correcting OD for media in 2% Gal. HxtA: Correcting OD for media in 2% Glu. HxtB: Correcting OD for media in 0.05% Gal. HxtB: Correcting OD for media in 1% Gal. HxtB: Correcting OD for media in 2% Gal. HxtB: Correcting OD for media in 2% Glu.
p.plot(y= 'OD', hue= 'condition', strains= 'BY4741', conditionincludes= 'Gal',
style= 'strain', size= 'experiment')
You can also run routines by experiment:
p.getstats(strainincludes= 'Hxt6', conditionincludes= 'Glu',
experiments= 'HxtB')
Fitting log_OD for HxtB: Hxt6:GFP in 2% Glu Taking natural logarithm of the data. GP Warning: input data is not sorted. Sorting... Using a (twice differentiable) Matern covariance function. hparam[0] determines the amplitude of variation hparam[1] determines the stiffness hparam[2] determines the variance of the measurement error log(max likelihood)= 7.576059e+02 hparam[0]= 1.878684e+04 [1.000000e-05, 1.000000e+05] hparam[1]= 7.658942e+01 [1.000000e-04, 1.000000e+04] hparam[2]= 8.700447e-04 [1.000000e-05, 1.000000e+02]
p.plot(x= 'OD_mean', y= 'gr', strainincludes= 'Hxt6', conditionincludes= 'Glu',
experiments= 'HxtB')
p.correctauto('GFP_65Gain', strains= ['Hxt6:GFP'], refstrain= 'BY4741',
conditions= '2% Glu', experiments= 'HxtB', figs= False)
Using BY4741 as the reference. Using one fluorescence wavelength. Correcting autofluorescence using GFP_65Gain. HxtB: Processing reference strain BY4741 for GFP_65Gain in 2% Glu. Fitting log_['GFP_65Gain'] for HxtB: Hxt6:GFP in 2% Glu Taking natural logarithm of the data. GP Warning: input data is not sorted. Sorting... Using a (twice differentiable) Matern covariance function. hparam[0] determines the amplitude of variation hparam[1] determines the stiffness hparam[2] determines the variance of the measurement error Warning: optimisation of hyperparameters failed at run 1. Warning: optimisation of hyperparameters failed at run 2. Warning: optimisation of hyperparameters failed at run 3. Warning: optimisation of hyperparameters failed at run 4. log(max likelihood)= -8.398895e+01 hparam[0]= 2.222727e+01 [1.000000e-05, 1.000000e+05] hparam[1]= 6.022066e+00 [1.000000e-04, 1.000000e+04] hparam[2]= 7.282952e-02 [1.000000e-05, 1.000000e+02]
p.plot(y= 'c-GFP_65GainperOD', strains= 'Hxt6:GFP', conditions= '2% Glu',
experiments= 'HxtB', ylim= [-10, None], style= 'condition')
When combining multiple experiments, you may wish for a more consistent or convenient convention for naming strains and conditions.
You can replace names with alternatives using for example
p.rename({'77.WT' : 'WT', '409.Hxt4' : 'Hxt4'})
to simplify strains 77.WT to WT and 409.Hxt4 to Hxt4, and where the dictionary comprises pairs of (old name, new name).
The plate reader often does not perfectly increment time between measurements and different experients can have slightly different time points despite the plate reader having the same settings. These unique times prevent the plotting module seaborn from taking averages.
If experiments have measurements that start at the same time point and have the same interval between measurements, then setting a commontime for all experiments will allow seaborn to perform averaging.
The commontime array runs from tmin to tmax with an interval dt between time points. These parameters are automatically calculated, but may also be specified.
Each entry in the time column in the dataframes is assigned a commontime value - the closest commontime point to that time point.
Finding common time. r dataframe HxtA time_min = 0.000000e+00 ; dtime = 2.135500e-01 HxtB time_min = 0.000000e+00 ; dtime = 2.135500e-01 Using dtime= 2.14e-01 Using time_min= 0.00e+00
s dataframe HxtA time_min = 0.000000e+00 ; dtime = 2.135500e-01 HxtB time_min = 0.000000e+00 ; dtime = 2.135500e-01 Using dtime= 2.14e-01 Using time_min= 0.00e+00
With commontime defined, you can average over experiments by plotting with x= commontime. For example, the strain BY4741 is in both experiments:
# no averaging over experiments
p.plot(x= 'time', y= 'OD', strains= 'BY4741', hue= 'condition', style= 'experiment',
title= 'no averaging over experiments')
# average over experiments
p.plot(x= 'commontime', y= 'OD', strains= 'BY4741', hue= 'condition', style= 'strain',
title= 'averaging over experiments')
Exported data for multiple experiments can be simultaneously imported:
p= om.platereader(wdir= 'data')
Working directory is /Users/pswain/Dropbox/scripts/ompkg/data. Files available are: --- {0: 'ExampleData.tsv', 1: 'ExampleData.xlsx', 2: 'ExampleDataContents.xlsx', 3: 'ExampleData_r.tsv', 4: 'ExampleData_s.tsv', 5: 'ExampleData_sc.tsv', 6: 'Glu.xlsx', 7: 'GluContents.xlsx', 8: 'GluGal.xlsx', 9: 'GluGalContents.xlsx', 10: 'GluGal_r.tsv', 11: 'GluGal_s.tsv', 12: 'GluGal_sc.tsv', 13: 'Glu_r.tsv', 14: 'Glu_s.tsv', 15: 'Glu_sc.tsv', 16: 'HxtA.xlsx', 17: 'HxtAContents.xlsx', 18: 'HxtB.xlsx', 19: 'HxtBContents.xlsx', 20: 'Sunrise.xlsx', 21: 'SunriseContents.xlsx'}
p.importdf(['Glu', 'GluGal'])
Imported data/Glu_r.tsv Imported data/Glu_s.tsv Imported data/Glu_sc.tsv Imported data/GluGal_r.tsv Imported data/GluGal_s.tsv Imported data/GluGal_sc.tsv Experiment: Glu --- Conditions: 0% Glu 0.0625% Glu 0.125% Glu 0.25% Glu 0.5% Glu 1% Glu media Strains: BY4741 Null Data types: OD Ignored wells: None Experiment: GluGal --- Conditions: 0% Gal 0% Glu 0.0625% Gal 0.0625% Glu 0.125% Gal 0.125% Glu 0.2% Gal 0.2% Glu 0.25% Gal 0.25% Glu 0.3% Gal 0.3% Glu 0.35% Gal 0.35% Glu 0.5% Gal 0.5% Glu 1% Gal 1% Gal-NoSC 1% Glu 1% Glu-NoSC 2% Gal 2% Glu media Strains: BY4741 Null Data types: OD Ignored wells: None
The dataframe from each experiment is combined into one creating an amalgamated p.s and (as well as p.r). Data from these dataframes can be plotted as usual:
p.plot(x= 'OD_mean', y= 'gr', conditions= '1% Glu', hue= 'experiment', title= '1% glucose')
p.plot(x= 'max_gr', y= 'condition', hue= 'experiment', style= 'strain',
conditionincludes= 'Glu')
p.plot(x= 'max_gr', y= 'log2_OD_ratio', hue= 'experiment', style= 'strain',
conditionincludes= 'Glu')
p.plot(x= 'max_gr', y= 'log2_OD_ratio', col= 'experiment', style= 'strain',
conditionincludes= 'Glu', aspect= 0.7)