Matlab files:
(Right click or left click and use the `File' menu to download. Octave is a free equivalent to Matlab.)
Generate sample data by typing the following in Matlab:
>> [datasim,cparams]= datamaker;
Three bar plots of the sample data (one for each cell) will be displayed:
Run the analysis, generating the MCMC walk and the contour plot of the energy, by typing:
>> runMCMCandContour
The code will take a few minutes to run. When finished, it will display various plots of the results, for instance:
Other options:
To experiment with other data (e.g. with different numbers of cells, numbers of measurements, or levels of measurement noise), include arguments when calling datamaker:
>> [data,cparams]= datamaker(Efr,Kd,n,A0mu,D0mu,r,sig,plot_on);
Further details about these arguments can be found by typing
>> help datamaker